Monday, May 18, 2009

Got out on the SDBC "B" Ride

I rode the "B" ride on Saturday.

Joel Price, who I met through this blog came out. After what seems like a year of talking about it, this was the first time we've gotten to get out on the road together. No matter what Joel tries to tell you, he's a strong guy. He definitely has the power to do well in races if he chooses to race one day.

From my side, I haven't been doing a lot of riding lately. With my parents having been down for a week and me feeling a little burned out, I've been avoiding my bike. It was definitely a little rough for me at times, but in general a really good ride. I was able to push things on the flats and do pretty well on most of the hills. I'm definitely lacking some muscular endurance for hills like Torrey Pines.

1 comment: said...

Thanks for the kind words. However, the truth... I was just holding on after Las Colinas. I didn't play that too smart it took me a few miles to get back under control. Being my first SDBC ride I was watching you move around the group and that was pretty cool to see. At every burst, you seemed to know the best spot, while I got pinched into the gutter and needed to claw my way back to your wheel. I really enjoyed the ride, it was fun.

As far as racing, I want to do it, but I need to get over some fears. It's not so much about crashing as it is the commitment. It's in my head and that’s for another discussion. What would be a good "first-time" race coming up?

Thanks again for the friendly invite.